Are you a fitness buff? You can apply your passion for fitness to learning Spanish. Click here to learn how.
Are you a fitness buff?
You can apply your passion for fitness to learning Spanish. There are workout words in Spanish that you can use during your workout. As a fitness coach living in Spain, I would do my workouts outside, and practice Spanish while I was out and about.
I would take a suspension trainer and hook it up to a pull up bar. I’d then do my workouts. People would come up to me and ask me questions, which forced me to learn Spanish workout vocabulary quickly.
If you’d like to know how you can apply your learning during your workout, keep reading.
These are the top 20 workout words you must know to have a great workout.
Before we jump right in with a list of vocabulary words, let’s go over simple ways you can learn Spanish by working out.
The first step to add learning to your workout is to start with simple words first. A couple of ways to do that is to learn how to pronounce body parts, exercises, and equipment in Spanish.
Because you’re working with only one to two words at a time, it becomes easy to memorize and it build up your confidence to take on more complex phrases.
Write your words down on flash cards and use pictures to enhance your memorization.
The second step is to count your reps in Spanish. This will help you internalize numbers and learn them quickly. We’ll go over numbers in more detail below.
The third step is to write your workouts down in Spanish. Writing words down has been proven to help your memory. Again, doing this will help you internalize the words and exercises.
The fourth step in learning Spanish during exercises is to practice phrases in Spanish. Think of situations at the gym when you’re talking to people. It can be people in your yoga class, or people who want to jump on a machine in between sets.
Now that you know how to incorporate Spanish words into your workout, which ones are the words you need to know?
Squat Sentadilla Rest Descanso Start Comienzo Self-Confidence Confidanza en si mismo
Push Ups Flexiones de brazos Pull Ups Dominadas Crunches Encogimientos Breathe Resiprara Treadmill La cinta Strength La fuerza Weights Pesos, pesas Training Entrenamiento Stretch Estirar To be fit Estar en forma To lose weight Adelgazar
To get tired Cansarse Sweat Sudar To contract Contraer To repeat Repetir To relax Relajar
You’ll find that some workout words don’t need translation. For example, I use a suspension trainer for my workouts. It’s easy to translate trainer suspension. Some words, like yoga and kettlebells don’t require translation at all.
When you’re working out, you need to count your reps. You may be able to count from 1 to 10, but what about beyond that?
The easiest way to learn numbers is to start with numbers from 1 to 10. Then learn to count by 10s.
10 Diez 20 Veinte 30 Treinta 40 Cuarenta 50 Cincuenta 60 Sesenta 70 Setenta 80 Ochenta 90 Noventa 100 Cien
The numbers in between the 10 numbers are easy to learn. Just add the two together. To say the number 55 is cincuenta y cinco. Then 94 is noventa y cuatro.
Using this method makes it easy for you to count your reps. Practice counting in Spanish during your workout.
miles to km" />
Are you a runner? Then you’ll know that some races are in kilometers (kilómetros)and others are in miles(millas).
In most Spanish-speaking countries, kilometers is the measurement of choice.
If you’re on a run, how can you easily convert miles to kilometers in your head? Use the Fibonacci method. It’s a sequence that is the sum of the two numbers preceding it.
For example, 1 = 0+1; 2= 1+1; 3=1+2, etc.
That method works well for kilometers/miles conversion as well. All you need to know is that a 5K run is 3.1 miles. You can then do the math in your head based on that.
3 miles = 5 kilometers; 6 miles = 10 kilometers; 9 miles = 15 kilometers.
It’s not perfect, but you can get a good estimate in your head.
Once you have basic vocabulary down and feel comfortable with it, you can graduate to longer phrases. This will help you learn grammar and will build confidence.