The registration is to be paid online while submitting the online application form. It includes the Application Fee of Rs.1000 (one thousand) for one subject / Rs.1500 (one thousand five hundred) for two subjects / Rs.2000 (two thousand) for three subjects. The Registration Fee is Non-Refundable. Kindly see your eligibility criteria before proceeding to pay this fee. Depending on the online payment gateway an applicant chooses, there may be mandatory bank charges apart from the registration fee, which needs to be paid.
The registration fee once paid CAN NOT be refunded. It may happen that due to technical issues, some applicants may end up paying the registration fee more than once. In that case, the university will refund the extra amount on producing the proof of payment, ONLY after the completion of the entire admission procedure.
Submission of extra forms for EC / FV / DA / GU Employee quota
Those seeking admission under any reservations/quota (viz. Differently abled/disabled, sons and daughters of permanent GU employees in service, fringe village and extra-curricular & co-curricular activities, etc.), Will have to submit additional prescribed forms separately into the Office of the Secretary University Classes, GU (Room No. 14) on or before the last date of application .
One seat in each subject may be offered for admission to MA/MSc/MCom/MTech courses to students who have shown extraordinary proficiency in Extra- curricular activities in the last three years preceding graduation. Events of sports and other EC activities will be those incorporated in the inter University sports / Cultural / Literary Competition. Any sports event organi s ed by an association must be recogni s ed by and affiliated to the national body for that sport/event and by Indian Olympic Association.
Any student having more than five years of gap period is not eligible for admission.
Criteria of selection for Extra-Curricular & Co-Curricular quota
Preference will be given to candidates in the following order:
Criteria of selection under NCC & NSS quota